USA Today: ‘Sounding the alarm’: Election officials warn postal delays could invalidate mailed ballots
Bart Jansen of USA Today reports that Election officials and lawmakers are worried that delays by the U.S Postal Service could invalidate thousands of mail-in ballots.
Election officials and lawmakers are worried that U.S Postal Service delays could prevent thousands of ballots from being counted this year, in what could be an extremely close presidential contest.
State election officials raised alarms in a letter last month to the postmaster general about “exceptionally long delivery times,” ballots being held for billing issues and voter mail being returned as undeliverable.
Delivery delays ticked off members of Congress, who said the consolidation of processing centers led to steep drop-offs in on-time deliveries of first-class mail in Atlanta; Richmond, Virginia; and Green Bay, Wisconsin.
“Voters should never have to worry about if their ballot will be postmarked on time or if their ballot will reach their election center in time to be counted,” said Rep. David Joyce, R-Ohio.