WSAW: With a month to go, Wisconsin Elections Commission says it’s ready for Nov. 5
Sean White of WSAW reports on Wisconsin election officials’ assurances that they are prepared to administer the November General Election.
With less than one month to go before Election Day, Wisconsin election officials say they are fully ready to administer the November General Election.
The Wisconsin Elections Commission recently released its “How Wisconsin is Ready for the November 2024 Election” report which outlines the various ways the Commissioners and WEC staff have prepared for November.
The report contains updates happening throughout the agency including internal staff planning, training of election officials, upgrades to the statewide voter registration database and the MyVote website, a review of the WEC’s voter accessibility program, election security preparations, and more.
“Running a successful election requires careful planning and the dedication of thousands of election workers across the great state of Wisconsin,” WEC Administrator Meagan Wolfe said. “We started those preparations four years ago, and we’re proud of what we have accomplished in laying the groundwork for a safe, secure, and accurate election in November.”