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WSB: Cobb County election officials preparing for election day with new safety measures

Wednesday October 9, 2024 · 6:41 PM

Michele Newell of WSB reports on Cobb County officials preparations for election day.

Cobb County election officials are busy preparing for election day.

Director of Elections Tate Fall, gave Channel 2 Cobb County Bureau Chief Michele Newell an exclusive look at some of the work her team has been doing to ensure everything runs smoothly come November.

“We’re feeling really great. The team is really solid. We’re at where we need to be in our planning process and our testing process,” Fall said.
Over 2,500 pieces of voting equipment are being tested and certified.

“Every single piece of voting equipment is tested before it’s deployed. We test every touch screen for calibration. We make sure that how we are marking the ballot is how it’s printing out. How it’s printing out is how it’s being scanned. We’ll test the printer to make sure the ink levels are at the right place so we don’t have stray marks from the rulers. We print a lot of ballots so those rulers get dirty,’ said Fall.

Read more at WSB.